Selasa, 17 September 2013

Lyrics to JYJ’s ‘Only One’ Single – 2014 Incheon Asiad Theme Song

Finally, it's released! I've been waiting this MV for a week!

This song from JYJ with title: Only One! This is for theme song at Incheon Asian Games 2014! Enjoy..


There's nothing to be afraid of, I believe in you
It won't be different tomorrow, just look forward and go
You know, the special days, the days I stood and breathed by you
You've ran all this way until now my heart pounds

Show me all of you, fly harder
I like the one and only image of you shinning, you can do it
Ye woo woo woo, I'll always protect you, love love love love

There were hard times but today has come
I am by your side so come with me
You know, the past days, the days you built yourself
I believe that your stronger than anyone else

Show me all of you, fly harder
I like the and only image of you shining, you can do it

When you're tired, lift up your head
You will see me, holding out my hand nest to you and we will go once again
I will always be looking at you
Your joy and your sadness
I'll share them together
We can overcome any kind of obstacle

Show me all of you, fly harder
I like the one and only image of you shining, you can do it

Aku belum menemukan teks dalam bahasa Korea nya, akan kutambahkan nanti kalau sudah ketemu :D

Found so many gifs from this MV but for a while I presented you this:

As always, uri Yoochun look Gorgeous! Aku bela-bela'in memasukkan teks lagu ini dalam blog-ku di saat-saat sibuk jam kantor semata-mata hanya karena fangirling-ku sama Yoochun! wakakakakaka... Aku kangen sekali liat dia muncul di media. Aku pengen liat dia main drama lagi sebenernya, tapi karena project Yoochun sekarang ini adalah film layar lebar dengan judul "Sea Fog" (dan akan segera mulai shooting pertengahan Oktober mendatang) maka aku harus puas hanya dengan liat Yoochun di video clip! Aku sejujurnya bukan penggemar film layar lebar Korea, tapi mungkin demi Yoochun aku akan menonton "Sea Fog" :p

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